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Image by Debby Hudson

Leave a message with your name, a call-back phone number, and a description of your various needs.


Put our number into your contacts, so you won’t miss a phone call from Harvest House on Tuesday morning.  

green check.jpg

Our receptionist will callback on Monday or Tuesday.  If you don't receive a call-back, the Wednesday schedule is full.

You must talk with our receptionist to obtain an appointment.

Image by Giulia May

We receive many more calls than we have appointments available, so when the schedule is full, callbacks stop.

If you do not get a call back, please try again next week.

CALL 918-884-7667



For help with Food for Families, Clothing, Utility Bills, Infant Supplies, or Free Eyeglasses, you must schedule a Wednesday appointment.  Wednesday appointments cannot be made online or through this website.


To make an Appointment,  leave a voice message with your name, call-back phone number, and a description of your need. Appointments are scheduled on a first in-first out basis.




Leave a message with your name and phone number & describe your need. 


Add our number to your Contacts, so you won’t miss a phone call from the Harvest House receptionist on Monday or Tuesday.


Description of Programs we offer:

Food for Families allows the client to "shop" from a Menu for available food items stocked at Harvest House. Food for Families utilizes a "client choice" model from available food supplies.  Clients may receive food in this program once every 8 weeks.


Emergency Food is a pre-boxed, pre-determined food sack. It is available Monday-Thursday from 1p-4p on a "walk in" basis with no appointment required. You do not need to call to schedule an Emergency Food pickup. Clients may receive food from this program once every 4 weeks.


Additionally, Clothing and Infant Supplies are provided through a "client choice" model where you are able to choose what you need. Clients may receive clothing or infant supplies in this program once every two months.


Though our Utility Bill Disconnect program is only able to pay $50 towards a Disconnect Notice from your utility company, we are often able to refer clients to additional resources available locally. Harvest House is only able to help if (1) you have a current Disconnect notice, (2) the utility bill is in your name, (3) you bring in a paper bill (no emails) stating it is a Disconnect Notice, and (4) you meet with a Harvest House interviewer to explore payment options. Clients are able to access this program once every 4 months.


Free Prescription Eyeglasses are provided through the New Eyes program.  Harvest House can provide a voucher for a free Optometrist appointment. Glasses are ordered from New Eyes after the Optometrist prescription is received.  This process normally take about 6 weeks. Clients are able to access this program once every year.

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